Bagsyitsmine has been established since February 2005.
I'm not sure what the catalyst was for starting my own website. Like many other people, I started out selling unwanted articles of clothing and other bits on Ebay. From this the selling bug grew until eventually I decided to spread my wings and create my own handbag site.
The reason for selling handbags rather than some other product was simply that I adore handbags. A good handbag can lift a mood quicker than any well told joke! Being passionate about what you sell is always a good start. It means you're interested in what you do and willing to talk about it for hours.
From time to time, I do offer a small collection of authentic, designer accessories from previous seasons. These can include handbags, wallets, purses and belts. The convenience of buying online is immeasurable. The downside is we often don't get to feel textures, see colours and check out fit. Don't be afraid to contact us and ask as many questions as you like before you buy.